Halo friend, postingan yang pakai emulation cheater udah saya hapus karena kurang mantab, maka saya pakai cheat engine saja
jika belum punya iso yugioh silahkan download di sini
hello firend , the post which use emulation cheater had i delete, because not high effective, so we use only cheat engine
perhatikan cara yang saya jelaskan baik-baik :
be careful to follow my instructions :
1. Buka Yugioh forbidden memories.iso dan pastikan Cheat Engine sudah
membuka ePSXe
Open Yugioh forbidden memories.iso Ensure you have open ePSxe in Cheat
2. Periksa nilai starchip, misalnya nilainya 0
Check value of starchip, for example is 0 (zero)
3. lakukan New Scan dengan nilai 0, exact value dan 4 bytes
do New Scan with value 0, exact value and 4 bytes
do New Scan with value 0, exact value and 4 bytes
4. Menangkan sebuah permainan untuk mendapatkan sedikit starchip misalnya 3 atau 5 starchip. Di sini saya cuma mendapatkan 5 starchip
get winning of the game so you get some starchips for feed your
cheat value, for example i get 5 starchips
get winning of the game so you get some starchips for feed your
cheat value, for example i get 5 starchips
5. lakukan Next Scan berdasarkan nilai starchip yang dimiliki sekarang karena saya dapat lima maka saya masukkan nilai 5 di cheat engine
6. kita bisa lihat alamat yang bernilai 5 sekarang sudah keluar, namun masih terlalu banyak, maka kita harus melakukan Next Scan dengan nilai berbeda jadi kita perlu mendapatkan starchip lagi
we can see address for starchip 5 displayed, but too many, then we need do Next Scan with different value, so we need playing again to get starchips.
we can see address for starchip 5 displayed, but too many, then we need do Next Scan with different value, so we need playing again to get starchips.
7. lakukan Nexr Scan seperti tahap ke 5, namun dengan nilai 10
do Next Scan like step of 5th, but with 5 as value.
do Next Scan like step of 5th, but with 5 as value.
8. dobel klik alamat yang keluar tersebut sehingga muncul di jendela bawah
double click that address so we can edit the value in bottom window
9. ganti nilai tersebut dengan 999999..
change that value with 999999
and you must see like this picture...
this is my result of cheating using cheat engine :
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2 komentar:
very good
Klo dhp gmn cara y??
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