Tahukah anda bahwa memory card di ePSXe itu bisa tak terbatas, cara menambah jumlah memori card yaitu tinggal diklik kanan copy dan paste di folder memory cards (ganti nama) mau berapapun juga bisa.
Did you know that memory card in epsxe are unlimited, so you can create memory card as many you want just by copy file .mcr (memory card) and paste it then change the name, every file .mcr is one memory card.
jika ingin detailnya caranya adalah / for detail the way is:
1. Buka folder memcards
Open folder memcards
2.copy file berekstensi .mcr dan paste di folder yang sama dengan jumlah pastean sebanyak yang anda mau
copy file that have .mcr extension and paste in the same folder and paste as many as you want
So if you want copy paste content between memory card, you need program who called MemorycadRex, so you can manage your memory card like copy content between memory card or delete it.
happy cheating
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